Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pink Pride

Being that we are nearing the last day of October, a month that is known not only for Halloween, but Breast Cancer awareness, I decided to write a little post about it. Without getting too personal on here, I was thinking about it the other night as my fiance complemented my long hair and my "assets" as a breast cancer commercial came on and I thought..how would he feel about me if one day I didn't have that due to breast cancer? Depressing thoughts aside, I think we all know someone that has been affected by it and has bravely faced it, accepted it and fought it. The little vain things that make us feel like women... long, flowing hair and breasts on our chest are probably among the least of the worries if ever struck with the big C, but they are still worries.

I so admire the women that flaunt their bald heads with pride. You inspire me. You remind me of the big picture of life and not to get too caught up in the day to day vanities that really aren't so important in the long run. You remind me that just because you are diagnosed with a terrible disease, it doesn't mean that life is over. You remind me that being a woman is so much more than the hair on our heads and the breasts on our chests. It's in our souls.

My sister's best friend, Tiffany has fought this terrible disease not only once, but twice. She has done it with beauty, pride, grace and courage. You go girl! ;)



  1. you 2 look so lovely

    want to follow each other? i will defiently follow back

    my blog:

  2. Well said :) Amen sister! Next month is national pancreatic cancer awareness month, did you know that? I didn't until I read about it from another blogger. We should wear lots of purple in November:)

  3. Aww. This is so sweet! Tiffany is beautiful! :)

  4. It is always amazing to hear stories of people battling this awful disease with such dignity and grace. Tiffany is one strong girl for sure. My thoughts go out to all those dealing with cancer. I ost an aunt to the disease and know how hard it can be.


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